Don't have time for the whole story -- with backstory -- but the mini version is:
- my father has played the guitar for most of his life
- I refused to learn from him as a youngster -- mostly because I was a pesky 'say no to whatever you want' kid.
- He and my mom got the girls guitars for Christmas.
- The image is of his first formal guitar lesson with Bear.
- Because she is too young to know the 'defiance' drill with Nana and Papa -- she is loving them!
Hence, warming my heart and making me wish that I had made a few different choices many years ago.
Today's pic should be a gimme....
Bear: *pointing finger*....OMG Look, there is a lizard on the wall.
Comedian: *in awe* Wow!
I have no brain power this morning but I love the picture.
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