If you are coming from Building Heavenly Bridges (BHB), WELCOME and if you are finding me for the first time and looking for support after a loss, then please check me out at my grief/loss blog!

This blog is a series of anecdotes from our life after losing our first child, a stillborn daughter, then going on to birth the two other lights of our lives!

Bear is 6: serious, organized, my cruise director and my time keeper.

The Comedian is 4: She is pure comedy always doing something unintentionaly funny that I attempt to put into words.

Enjoy our stories, conversations, and delights as we embrace the lives of our second and third daughters without ever negating our first.

Children's Widsom - Quote of the week...

Children's Widsom - Quote of the week...
"I Wish Emma Was Alive Because I Would Tell Her Where The Bathroom Is"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Too Funny For Words!

I just have to ask - An Altogether Different Kind of Stirrup Queen?


momofonefornow said...

ha ha ha. That is priceless

MrsSpock said...

Somebody's having fun...

Kristin said...


..al said...

LOLOL....Yes indeed, a different kind of stirrup queen. And a queen indeed.

What was she into - Deep Tub Hunting?

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Bucket Head, Bucket Head, and yes, Stirrup Princess is quite flexible.

JW Moxie said...

Oh dear goodness - that is classic!