And - as you already know, there be a whole-lot-a-bickering going on in the last few months between my nearly 4 and 6 year old souls. "They are searching for their place in this family" I explain to - well - myself really. To be honest - I'M LOST! As an only child, these "typical" sibling behaviours swirl around me like vultures and cause me to cry, "What am I supposed to do?"
"Let them duke it out" my sweet husband replies with an unaffected tone. He's not an only. Right. Commence duking.
However, and I must say this, for all the sibling growing pains stretching our house's patience bubble - for all the stomping feet and slamming doors and high-pitched exclamations of "YOU NEVER GOING TO BE MY BEST SISTER E.V.E.R A.G.A.I.N!" - I have no desire to say anything about what 4 and 6 will look like.
I like where we are. I am grateful for every minute of every age. And while my head might be ready to explode with the substanceless arguements they choose to pursue to near-explosion level, I know wth ever fiber of my being I'd sell my soul to have Emma here, the 8 year old - the oldest sister, asserting her all knowing scowl over them while screaming right along with the crowd.
And so - as another post gets long and rambly...I'll leave you with pictures of my sweet and spicy girls on the days they turned 3 and 5. Not so long from now I will have new pictures, and maybe new stories - but I'm not holding my breath - just breathing in every bit of my children, just as they are.